Smothered Steak-Crockpot

Yield: 1 Servings
Categories: Slow Cooker, Beef
1 1/2lbRound steak, cut in strips
1lgOnion, sliced
2Green peppers, sliced
16ozCanned tomatoes
10ozCanned mushrooms, drained
3tbSoy sauce
10ozFrozen green beans, frenched
Put steak, flour, salt and pepper in crockpot. Stir well to coat meat with flour. Add all remaining ingredients, cover and cook on high for 1 hour. Reuduce heat to low and cook for another 8 hours, Serve over rice,

formatted in Mastercook by Carol Floyd

NOTES : You can used a 10 can of frenched green beans if you wish. When I can get sirlon steak or other lean beef on sale, I buy extra and slice and package it in 1 1/2 pound packages so that it is all ready for this recipe. I also watch for sweet green or red peppers on the reduced rack, then slice and package 2 peppers to a bag and freeze so that they are also ready when I want them. Recipe by: Mom Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #562 by Bob & Carol Floyd on Apr 11, 1997